Thursday, January 7, 2010


number 10! what?
Punk rock
Hallah and her friend Lydia reading to Saadi.

Horizontally Mobile

That's right, he's moving. We all know what that means----child proofing, or moving. I actually pulled a beard hair out of his tail end the other day. Guess I should vacuum more.

He still sounds like a dinosaur but also adds in some ghaghagha sounds. The kids still like him a lot but seem to be liking each other much less-hmm.

Friday, November 20, 2009


he's got teeth.....

and he chirps like a bird, or maybe a pterodactyl.

and he says mamamamama

while gurling.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

chocolate chip cookies with butter

I turned around to see Eli spreading butter on a chocolate chip cookie and then putting it in the microwave. It's probably one of the best things I've eaten since that coconut soup at that thai place in that town, you know, just north of that other town that everyone pronounces wrong which is just south of those nudie hot springs, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, it was brilliant.

Hallah surprised us all with a total Noah/Boy/Eli move. the landlords recently shelled out a ton of cash to redo the steps that I was constantly complaining about. I went out this afternoon to sit in the indian summer with a mug of wine when I noticed a huge chunk missing from the new steps. Upon closer inspection, I realized that actually, three of the steps had chunks missing from them. I figured this had to have been a Noah move. The pick axe was not far from the scene and there was a busted up rock on the sidewalk. Just as Eli was giving Noah the lecture, Hallah chimes in to let us know that she thinks she might be the one responsible. Turns out she and Taya were busy trying to bust up rocks on the new steps. She still claims that it was one rock that chipped all three steps but frankly I'm not buying it.

Saadi in the meantime continues to be a smiley, spitty baby who laughs on the inhale. holy moses.

but my legs are finally waxed and I'm having some wine...which means i'm done here.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sitting, spitting, and eating

Saadi is officially, if not consistently now able to sit up briefly. Additionally, for a few weeks now, maybe it's been months, not sure, he's been spitting and gurgling. One afternoon I found him on the bed just spitting on himself. It was pretty cute and when I picked him up, the bed was all wet around him. Oh! and the picture reminded me, he's eating. Loves it, surprise.

He's big and just beautiful, and very charming. The hair has stayed and while he still has some mohawk left, it doesn't stick up the way it used to. It's just too long.

The kids all got their swine flu vaccines today. Saadi got the shot, which of course made my uterus and crotch ache, and Hallah and Noah lucked out and got the mist. Unfortunately their cousin Sophie got the flu, which turned into a terrible asthmatic cough which then turned into pneumonia. We're thinking of her. Additionally, Nan took a fall and had to have surgery. She fractured a vertebrae that I guess they had to wire up. She's in recovery and we're sending our thoughts her way too.

Otherwise, we just had some nice snow a few days ago but it's left the alley muddy as heck and I can't get the trailer back into it's place until the blasted/beloved snow melts and ideally the ground dries out a little. In the meantime we've got a ticket on it for it sitting in the street for too long and the 'neighbors' said they would prefer to have it off the street so they could have their winter parking. I didn't realize one could reserve those spots...

it's late and Saadi's finally out. I think I'll join him.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Moab Revisited

So Saadi and I just got back from Moab where we sent off Noah, Hallah and Eli, down the Green River for 10 days. Just seeing the rock formations made me a little dizzy, remembering that the last time I was there I puked anytime I opened my eyes. But after adjusting to the PTSD and the 100 degree weather, I began to realize that this really marks the one yearish anniversary of the conception of Saadi. Maybe most of you don't want to hear about this, but considering the unusual circumstances that led us to discover that we had this person dividing cells inside of me, it seems like it's worth noting.

We encountered 2 people who had been key players as last year's action unfolded. Player 1 was Thatcher of Tex's Riverways. He was the driver who drove us up the Colorado river in the jet boat and helped Eli carry me to the ER in Moab. When Eli saw him again this year, he asked how I was and whether the doctors ever determined what was wrong (in case there's anyone reading this who doesn't know, I had very severe vertigo that left me upchucking bile anytime I opened my eyes or sat up, like when I had to put on my life jacket at the confluence of the Colorado and the Green. A good friend noted that at that point I made it a trifluence.). It was only then that we realized that they were never told that I was pregnant. So Eli told Thatcher that it was in the ER that we were told about the pregnancy. I got to see Thatcher this morning and Saadi and Thatcher finally met.

The other player was an ER nurse named Darcy. When Eli and I were told that I was pregnant in the ER, we both very distinctly remember how hopeful, joyous, and optimistic the nurse was who told us. She had this brilliant smile and a light in her eyes. She was so happy to tell us this downright unbelievable information (again, for those who don't know, I had been using an IUD. I tell people that this was a refresher course in probability. If someone asks you if there's any chance you are pregnant, a .6% chance means you should answer 'yes'). Her optimism and enthusiasm got to us and weeks later we would talk about the way she affected us. Last night we all went to the Moab Brewery. The place was packed and we were waiting outside for our table to be ready. Eli came over with a lovely blonde woman. I saw him walking over and it was clear that he'd made some connection with her. Turns out he'd spotted Darcy! In that crowded place, he picked her out! He brought her over to me and Saadi. It was moving to finally introduce her to Saadi. She was the first person on this planet to know about his existence. And now here we were in the parking lot, a year later, with this beautiful boy with Godzilla hair and a cinnamon roll belly button, smiling his blue eyes up at her.

Saadi and I are home now in the relatively mild Durango heat (maybe it's just the laptop on my legs). Everyone else is on the Green, Noah with a gazillion different cuts and Hallah with an enormous goose egg on her head from throwing rocks in the air and trying to dodge them. They've also got Doug and Clare from Madison, Dick and Carolyn, and Helen, a friend who lives in Greeley. Moab weather is expected to be in the 100s, with little chance of rain. Which is good when you're trying to dodge flash floods.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Saadyah with Dad (I had to clarify, in case some of you thought my arms were that hairy and my veins that prominent).

Saadi sun bathing